The Interplay of Motivation and Demotivation: The Case of EFL Learners Majoring in English
Motivation is widely viewed as a key factor to language learning success. This study investigates motivation among English language majors who are unexpectedly considered by most of their teachers as generally not motivated. Using the model proposed by Deci & Ryan (1985), the study classifies a sample of English male and female majors (n=365) into various levels of motivation. The study further examines the possible demotivational factors that may negatively influence the subjects’ motivation. Overall, the findings suggest that the view that the studied sample lack motivation is not accurate. However, the responses to the demotivational factors questionnaire indicate some effective demotivating factors. This effect is particularly statistically significant in relation to the method of teaching. The study concludes by stressing the importance of integrating motivational strategies in any method of EFL classroom teaching even if the learners are expected to be genuinely motivated.
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