Task-based Language Teaching from Teachers’ Perspective

Naemeh Nahavandi, Jayakaran Mukundan


This observational study aimed at examining teacher/learner interactions in task based settings and understanding teachers’ perceptions about using task-based approach in reading comprehension classes. To achieve this end, two general English classes were observed in Islamic Azad university of Tabriz, Iran. The researcher followed a four part process of record-view-transcribe- and analyze (R-V-T-A). The results show that despite the claim that task-based approach is applied in foreign language classes in Iran, in reality grammar-oriented interventions are rather frequent in these foreign-language classes and that teachers have got unclear understanding about applying task-based approach in their classes. The results of the study may have pedagogical implications for instruction and curriculum development.



task-based setting, task-based approach, reading comprehension

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/ijalel.v.1n.6p.115


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