CBI in Algeria’s Higher Education Institutions: Using the Adjunct Model to Teach Physics

Dalila Belhassena


Content-Based Instruction is an approach in which the teaching is centered on the content, deeply rooted on the principles of communicative language teaching; CBI fosters students to take part and participate in the exchange of content. This theoretical article reflects upon Content-Based Instruction as a relevant language teaching approach, its background, a brief definition of the concept, and its principles. An overall overview of the status of English in Algeria is also undertaken with some hints of the linguistic policies and reforms held in Algeria. Moreover, this research paper reports on Content-Based Instruction’s distinctive characteristics and relies on the adjunct model to elaborate an instructional unit meant to implement CBI in the field of Physics and helps students gain a solid knowledge of English through tailored designed activities. The conclusion supports the assumption that the adjunct model as an approach fulfills the needs of learners by bridging ESL classes to academic content and proves to be effective in providing a transition between ESL and academic classes.


Adjunct Model, Content-Based Instruction, Teaching English in Algeria’s Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.11n.4p.41


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International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature

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