A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Advertisements of Unilever Pakistan Limited

Javed Hussain, Syed Khuram Shahzad, Nadia Sadaf, Saima Irshad, Rana Iqtadar Ahmed


The present study observed the advertisement of Unilever Pakistan Limited from the angle of critical discourse analysis. The study primarily concerned with the usage of language in the commercials of Unilever Pakistan and the tactics used by the advertisers to attract and convince the consumers to buy their products. The analysis of this study is based on Norman Fairclough three-dimensional framework. It determines how the ideology of ‘home and personal care’ is used in the advertisements of Unilever Pakistan Limited. Qualitative research was done on the three advertisements of Unilever’s major products. The outcomes showed that promoters employed different techniques to grasp the attention of their consumers. The commercials lead the people to think that whatever is shown to them is based on reality. This study also demonstrated that the ideology of “home and personal care’ in the commercials of Unilever Pakistan is dominant, and the products of Unilever are mandatory to lead a better life. The language of the commercials is used to govern the minds of the people.


CDA, Commercials, Unilever Pakistan, Convince, Home and Personal Care

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.9n.5p.74


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