Variety of Indonesian Dialect in Percut Sei Tuan District of North Sumatera- Indonesia

Muhammad Dalimunte, Yani Lubis


A dialect can effect how a word prounounced diffferently. This study aimed to see how local languages affect Indonesian dialects among people who are still actively using their local languages such as Javanese language, Batak mandailing language, Batak Toba language and Malay. They live in Percut Sei Tuan District of North Sumatra. The research used Qualitative approach. The Informants of the research were taken based on the research data needed. The informants were given a list of 200 vocabularies to be pronounced taken from theory of Swadesh. it was obtained with various dialects in pronouncing indonesian words, there are 161 vocabularies that pronounced diffenerently by the informants but it was still able to understand. The local languages have effects on pronouncing Indonesian word. The diffenrent pronounciation was categorized as subdialect difference. it was at the level of 37,5 (31% - 50% = considered subdialect difference).


Communication Tools, Dialect, Local Language, Tribes

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