Effectiveness of E-learning Mode for Teaching English Language in Arab Universities

Bilal Mohd Zakarneh


E-learning is increasingly being embraced by the traditional academic institutions, hybrid educational organizations and newly established online organizations for teaching English and other subjects in universities in the Arab world. The present study investigated the effectiveness of using e-learning platform to teach the English language to students in Arab universities. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analysed using excel data analysis tool. Results revealed that e-learning platform is an effective platform for teaching English language. Participants held that they learned better via e-learning and that all English language courses should be taught through the e-learning mode. They consider e-learning platform as appropriate and better means for acquiring vocabulary, developing speaking skills, English language grammar, reading skills, writing skills, listening skills, and as a better mode of enhancing performance in English than the traditional classroom mode. They see e-learning as a better tool for testing and evaluation and prefer it to other traditional methods. Conclusion: e-learning can be more effective in learning English than the face-to-face classroom system.


E-Learning, Blended learning, E-Learning Tools, Web-based Tools, Traditional classroom System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.7p.171


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