The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Creativity and Time Management Skills
Early research on creativity has illustrated that time is a significant resource education in general and classroom in particular. It is vital for incubation, thus, individuals should be given enough time to do a creative work. The current study sought to uncover the probable relationship between English language teachers’ creativity and time management skills. We hypothesized that teachers’ creativity plays a role in a number of variables such as age, gender, and teaching experience. It was also surmised that teacher creativity correlates time orientation. To measure teacher creativity, Zhou and George (2001) self-rating creativity was employed. In addition, Trueman and Hartley (1996) time management scale comprising five constructs, production of creative ideas, production of useful ideas, daily planning, confidence in long-term planning, and perceived control of time, were utilized to gauge time orientation. To comply with the objective, a total of 202 intermediate students from three English language institutes took part for the purpose of this study. They were requested to fill out the questionnaires. The data were collected over a period of three weeks. The data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to probe the relationship between the variables. The results suggest that teachers with more time orientation incorporate more teaching activities in their classroom. However, the findings revealed that a number of variables like age, gender and teaching experiences were not significant factors for teachers’ creativity skills. The findings suggest that a teacher should widen his perception of creativity and repertoire of employing activities in order to maximize students' capacity for novelty The may help language teachers and policy makers bring to a focus on the effects of time management skills and teachers’ creativity in the EFL content to achieve a better result in learning process.
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