Teaching Written Communication Strategies: A Training to Improve Writing
This research can be described as an experimental quantitative one including: a strategy training; two homogenous experimental groups with different levels of proficiency; and two homogenous control groups. The subjects are 60 Spanish high school students, who have been selected after taking the Oxford Quick Placement-Test. The study aims at investigating the possible relationship between the effect of the strategy training and the subjects' level of proficiency. It is also designed to analyze the effect of the training on the use of communication strategies in the written medium. It is meant to study the effect of the strategy training on the subjects' writing skill in English. The results show that the students' level of proficiency exerts a strong effect on the subjects' use of written communication strategies (CSs) and on their strategy preference in written production. They also demonstrate how strategy training improves the subjects' written communication ability.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.2p.150
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