Jordanian EFL Students' Attitudes toward Using World Wide Web Net and Its’ Effect on their Linguistic Proficiency
This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of Jordanian EFL learners toward using the World Wide Web net for language learning proficiency. Another aim of this study was to explore whether there was any significant difference between males and females’ attitudes toward using it. 40 EFL learners (19 male and 21 female) studying English at Ajloun National University (ANU) in the first semester of the academic year 2016/2017 participated in the study. The researcher used an attitudinal questionnaire toward using WWW as an instrument. After collecting the data, SPSS software (version 20) was used to get the numerical interpretable information. An independent-sample T-test was used to compare the results of the control and experimental groups. The results revealed that most of the participants in the study showed positive attitudes about the importance of using the World Wide Web net to develop their linguistic proficiency in the four language skills. Moreover, the results of T-test showed that there was no difference between female and male learners’ attitudes toward the use of the internet for developing their language proficiency.
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