The Effect of Input-Based and Output-Based Tasks on the Intermediate Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Achievement in Terms of Coherent Writing
The present study investigated the effect of form-focused (FoF) tasks on enhancement of Iranian EFL learners’ coherent writing. In this regard, the researchers compared the effectiveness of dictogloss (DIG) task as an output-based task and consciousness raising (CR) task as an input-based task on teaching writing coherent text. Prior to the experiment, the researchers divided 60 Iranian Intermediate EFL learners based on their scores on the Preliminary English Test (PET) into two groups. Throughout the research a pretest and a posttest which had the same format but different topics were run. The instructional treatment continued for 10 sessions which each session lasted 15 minutes. The required texts which consisted of some cohesive devices were taken from "Elementary Steps to Understanding" book, while the method of teaching, as the name of each group is revealed, was different. After analyzing the gathered data via independent sample t-test, findings revealed that significant, though, the treatment of each group on writing was, there were no significant different between the posttest of these two groups. So there were not any significant difference between the performance of CR group and DIG group on producing cohesive devices in a text.
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