Developing Competence in Basic Writing Skills: Perceptions of EFL Undergraduates
English language course materials in EFL contexts are tailored to enhance the proficiency levels of receptive and productive skills of undergraduates. These course materials are designed in the form of worksheets to fulfil the aims and objectives of communicative/task based syllabus. During the process of completing these tasks/activities, students are expected to actively engage in writing words and meaningful sentences. In order to understand the effectiveness of their writing skills, the researchers administered a 30-item questionnaire to EFL undergraduates studying at Aljouf University, Saudi Arabia. This study focused on eliciting the perceptions of EFL undergraduates on various aspects related to writing proficiency. A total of 52 male students participated in responding to the questionnaire. The findings of our study reveal that translating strategies often impede progress in the writing skills development.
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