The Effectiveness of Note-Taking on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners
By taking notes students could save time for reading all textbooks for their exams or for their representations. Taking notes increases attention of students to read or heard materials, and this increases their comprehension. Thus, the present study is important because note-taking could help them to remember what they learnt, absolutely important information. The method used in this research was survey. The 40 Persian EFL learners were selected from a language institute in Karaj to participate in the present study. These learners were divided into two groups; one of them is experimental group (N=20) and the other one is control group (N=20). Pretest and post test were two instruments that were used to carry out this study, a pretest about skill of note-taking of passages of the lessons was used for both experimental and control group. This test consisted of 4 passages. The same test was administrated again as the post test for both groups by the end of the course to see the different conclusion between taking note of experimental group and control group. Reliability between 4 texts is in oscillation from 0.6 to 0.81 (from 0.6 upwards). Therefore this reliability was an acceptable one. To analyze data descriptive statistics (that was contained percentage, frequency and mean score) and also inferential statistics (that was contained ANOVA, Pearson correlation, independent sample t-test, multivariate’s test, regression) were carried out by using SPSS16 soft ware. The findings confirmed that note taking is effective in reading comprehension.
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