The Self, the Peer and the Teacher in the EFL Pronunciation Class: A Comparative Study on Assessment, Perceptions and Systematicity
This pilot study is aimed at describing, analysing and comparing self, peer and teacher quantitative and qualitative assessment (and consequently also perceptions and degree of systematicity when assessing) in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) pronunciation class in tertiary education. Accordingly, the main objectives of this study have been to measure, rank and compare the harshness or leniency of the three different types of raters involved and their consistency/systematicity when in this role, as well as to measure the levels of coincidence and/or discrepancy when evaluating from different roles and depending on quantitative or qualitative considerations. The method used for the analysis involves the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the scores obtained in a triple-role assessment task carried out by 16 students and a teacher. The calculation of various statistical measures, the triangulation of the data obtained and the Many-Facet Rasch Measurement analysis of the results have completed the study and constitute the departure point for further larger studies. From the results obtained, it can be highlighted that quantitatively, the self and the teacher’s perceptions seem to be the ones that are more distant or different, whereas the self and the peer's tend to be the most similar. In the same way, qualitative assessments seem to be more lenient, that is to say, slightly higher in mean score and have a lower coefficient of variation than quantitative ones in the three groups analysed. Consistency/systematicity is relatively high but it is still an aspect to be improved on the part of most raters.
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