Quranic Sciences from Abdul Hamid Farahi’s Perspective (1863-1930)
Discussions regarding Quranic sciences and gaining cognizance of different issues of this field date back to the advent of Islam. Throughout history, this field has witnessed a surge of valuable research that has been and is being conducted on its various issues. Farahi (1863-1930), the Indian interpreter, due to preventing the introduction of eisegesis and Isra'iliyyat which lack well-accepted sources into the field of Quran interpretation, is known as the interpreter of Quran. In the introduction of Nazm-ul-Quran and his other works, Farahi proposes novel ideas regarding Qur'anic sciences such as coherence, interconnection between verses and Surahhs (or Surahs) of Quran, asbab al-nuzul (occasions of revelation), and the muqatta'at (disjoined letters), etc. He has also put forward some views concerning naskh (abrogation) which are in line with other interpreters' views. Determined and deliberate attempts of this anonymous author in the field of Qur'anic science led the researchers, drawing on library research and descriptive-analytic methods, to shed some light on the views of this noteworthy interpreter and, as a corollary, revive his character.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.7p.73
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