Probing the Relationship between Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Comprehension of Iranian Lower-Intermediate EFL Learners
This study probed the relationship between vocabulary knowledge (i.e., size and depth) and listening comprehension of Iranian lower-intermediate EFL learners. To this end, 80 lower-intermediate EFL learners in Ahvaz, Iran, were selected. This study also investigated the predictive power of the vocabulary size and depth in lower-intermediate EFL learners’ listening comprehension. To this end, three tests (i.e., Vocabulary Levels Test, Word Associates Test, and a listening comprehension test) were administered to the participants. The results of Pearson correlations and multiple regression analyses revealed that vocabulary depth had a higher relationship with the listening comprehension scores (r = 0.43, p < .01). In addition, vocabulary depth proved to be a more powerful predictor of listening comprehension scores.
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