Investigating the Effect of Team-teaching Approach on ESP Students’ English Proficiency; Evidence from Students’ Attitudes
The current study was an attempt to investigate EFL students’ attitudes regarding team-teaching approach. In addition, it explored to what extent the team-teaching approach was effective in terms of enhancing Electrical Engineering Students' English proficiency in an English for Specific Academic Purpose (ESAP) program. To this end, 60 university students studying Electrical Engineering at the faculty of Engineering in Yazd University enrolled in the ESP course participated in this study. Prior to the instruction, the students were randomly divided into two groups as control and experimental. The experimental group was instructed based on the team-teaching approach while the control group was taught based on the traditional approach. The data was gathered through a pretest, posttest, and a questionnaire. The analysis of data via independent sample t-test and descriptive analysis revealed that most of the students had a positive attitude toward utilizing team-teaching approach. Furthermore, the findings indicated that Electrical Engineering students who were taught through team teaching approach performed better than those taught by a single instructor.
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