A Study of Selected Works of Iranian Female Novelists Based on Elaine Showalter’s Gynocriticism
Iranian literature, like other literary works throughout the world, follows the social issues in society and attempt to depict them. One of such issues is portraying women position in the society. The present study focuses on three different novels by Iranian female writers to show three stages of female writing development in them based on Elain Showalter’s theory of gynocriticism: Feminine stage which is represented through concepts like home, immovability, consumption, reading, house chores, dependence and past, feminist stage dealing with concepts like mobility, production, independence and future, and female stage that presents a new awareness of women consciousness. The chosen works are: Hangover Dawn (1995) by Fataneh Haj Sejed Javadi that portrays the tragic life of a woman who insisted on marrying a person who is not a suitable match for her. The author has shown the pains that this woman has to suffer because of her wrong choice in patriarchal society. The next novel is titled Don’t Worry (2008) by Mahsa Moheb Ali which deals with the life of an addicted girl named Shadi. She is the main character whose life is corrupted by family issues. Shadi wanders throughout the streets to find drug and ironically herself. My Bird (2002) by Fariba Vafi shows the life of an anonymous married woman who is stuck in her matrimonial life. The woman is neglected and cheated by her own husband. However, gradually she can come to a realization of her own self as a woman and redefines her own role. Having analyzed these three stories, it can be said that these three chosen novels match Showalter’s model of female writing development. It can be concluded that Hangover Dawn follows the first stage – feminine stage - Don’t Worry follows the second stage – feminist stage – and My Bird follows the third stage – female stage – that Showalter has proposed.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.6n.4p.211
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