Computer-assisted Language Learning for the Development of Listening Skills: A Case Study of Pre-university Russian as a Foreign Language
The research explores the effectiveness of using computer-assisted language learning (CALL) approach for the development of non-reciprocal listening skills in the context of studying Russian as a foreign language (RFL). Despite the fact that the influence of CALL on the development of listening skills has been well studied based on a case study of teaching other languages (especially English), a similar study in the context of teaching the Russian language is performed for the first time. The RFL students (N=68) and teachers (N=7) of the Preparatory Department in Russian took part in the intervention study. The students were divided into experimental and control groups. The research was conducted based on both qualitative and quantitative methods. The researchers focused the attention on two kinds of listening: listening for general information and selective listening. As the listening competence, and especially academic listening proficiency, is critically important for the students of the preparatory department, he researchers’ target was to research ways of improving listening abilities with different approaches of using CALL. The testing and assessment materials were developed and the statistics was collected for each kind of listening. In addition, the students of the experimental group were surveyed to identify their experiences from using CALL in the classroom. The research findings allowed concluding about the effectiveness of CALL application for developing listening for the detail skills, whereas in the general listening no significant effect was found. In addition, the study revealed specific complexities in the application of CALL in teaching listening in Russian.
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