Computer Phobia among Adult University Students
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in English Language Learning and Teaching (ELLT) has become prevalent in this recent decade. This study aims to investigate the level of computer technophobia among 106 adult undergraduates in a public university in Malaysia who utilised an e-Learning tool as the main medium of English learning. This descriptive study employed 65 Likert-scale items of Rosen and Weils’ Measuring Technophobia Instrument (MTI), i.e. Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS-S). Results showed that the respondents had a moderate level of computer anxiety, but female students had higher technophobic level compared to their male counterparts. This study concluded that computer anxiety is a feeling commonly experienced by many students studying English via e-Learning tools. However, constant monitoring both from the instructors and ICT experts must be present in order to reduce technophobia among students. It is recommended to train and equip adult university students with sufficient computer skills prior to conducting any e-Learning programmes.
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