The Linguistic Features of Intertextuality in Jordan's Free Verse Poetry: Ayman Al-Otoum as a Case Study
Intertextuality appears to be of crucial significance to better comprehend texts (Ahmadian and Yazdani, 2013).This research addresses intertextuality as an important technique manifested in modern Arabic poetry trying to investigate its conception, identify a sample of these salient embedded texts, and analyze them and their positive impact on enriching the text and illuminating some related issues such as ideology and perception of the world of experience in the Jordanian modern poetry, with special attention devoted to the recent poetry of Ayman Al-Otoum. Models representing this phenomenon in his poetry has been collected and compared with much assertion on the importance of this technique in enriching both levels: the idea and rhyme. The outcomes would be of a great importance to raise people’s awareness of the extensive impact of culture, religion, society on language, the tissue of the interrelated texts, enrich understanding of the language and enhance the translation practice and the quality of the translation output.
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