The Relationship Between EFL Learners’ Resilience and Autonomous Learning
This study aimed to investigate relationship between resilience as a personality factor defined in positive psychology and autonomous learning as a newly developed subject in learning and teaching (EFL area). This research employed resilience scale by Connor and Davidson (2003) and learner autonomy questionnaire by Spratt, Humphreys and Chan (2002) to evaluate EFL learners’ resilience level and their autonomy. To meet the purpose of this study, about 150 male and female participants randomly selected among undergraduate students majoring English language translation. Collected data of two questionnaires were analyzed through Spearman’s correlation and regression. Findings of the correlation analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between resilience and autonomy (ρ = .29, n = 156, p < .01). Also, results showed that resilience is a strong predictor for autonomous learning.
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