A Freudian Reading of Samuel Richardson's Pamela
Richardson's Pamela (1740_1) is replete with elements and incidents that make it worthy enough to be viewed from Freud's perspective. The present study focuses upon how Richardson's characters unconsciously attempt to conceal and repress their own conflicting emotions, thoughts, wishes, impulses and how they struggle against their anxiety-ridden situations to regain their psychic balance. Moreover, the repetition of certain occurrences and elements play a crucial role in generating the uncanny effect in Pamela, including the role of double and déjà-vu, the castle-like settings, heroine's intimidating situations and also her master's past secret. In addition, the way Richardson's characters dress for the noteworthy masquerade ball scene and the ambiguous words of Pamela's master are considerably implies something that is affiliated with characters' psyche according to Freud's condensation theory. With regard to Freud's concepts of The 'Tripartite Psyche', 'Anxiety and Ego Defense Mechanisms' and 'Uncanny' the researcher attempts to delve into the heroine and her master's psyche through her letters which reveal the contents of the heroine's unconscious mind.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.5n.2p.30
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