A Contrastive Study of Realization Patterns of Request Strategies of Ilami-Kurdish and Persian Speakers based on Age and Education
This paper aimed at investigating speech act of 'request realization patterns' in Ilami Kurdish and Persian languages. It attempts to systematize the various strategies used for the purpose of request from the pragmatic point of view. We focus on the impact of gender, age and language as well as degree of education on the choice of forms of request in Ilami kurdi and Persian. It is intended to find the most frequently used strategies in different social groups based on their language, age and level of education. To achieve this goal, a descriptive approach was adopted by employing a researcher-made questionnaire to collect the data from a population of bilingual and monolingual subjects in Ilam, Iran. A remarkable finding was the meaningful relationship among age and level of education in request strategies used by Ilami Kurdish and Persian speakers. As for the kind of language, it was found that "Supportive moves" and "Internal modifier" were the most frequently used strategies among Kurdish subjects respectively and "Supportive moves" and "Internal modifier" was the most popular employed strategies among Persian subjects respectively. As for age, it was found that out of the 69 collected request responses, "Internal modifier" and "Supportive moves " were the most frequently used strategies among under 26 years subjects respectively and "Internal modifier" and "Alerters" were the most popular employed strategies among above 26 years subjects respectively. Finally, regarding the level of education, it was found that "Internal modifier" and out of the 54 collected request responses, "Internal modifier" was the most frequently used strategies among B.A and M.A subjects respectively. The same table shows that out of 47 collected request responses "Internal modifier" and "Supportive moves" was the most popular employed strategies among PHD subjects respectively.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.4n.5p.255
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