The Application of X.Class Teacher Program to Enhance Students’ Listening and Speaking Skills in Al Baha University
The present study focuses on the implementation of technological aids in improving foreign language education by investigating the impact of using X. Class Teacher's Program on teaching listening and speaking skills of Al Baha University Students. It aims at improving students' listening and speaking skills through the use of the above mentioned program. A multi-method approach will be adopted to enable researchers to extract information from different perspectives. This approach will involve tests and classroom practice and observation. The participants of the study will be a sample of students from the recently enrolled beginners in listening and speaking skills courses in the College of Arts and Science in Almandaq. SPSS mechanism will be used to analyze the data to verify the hypothesis that X. Class Teacher helps in improving students listening and speaking skills. The study recommended that X.Class Teacher Program is the best way to develop listening and speaking skills.
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