History Rewritten in a Postmodern Novel: Opposed Views on History in Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion
The relationship and interaction between literature and history has long been analyzed and discussed throughout the history of literature. In twentieth century literature this relationship has shown itself within the works of historiographic metafiction. In this kind of writing, previously held notions about language, truth, history and literature are subverted. With the rise of postmodern theories, such as poststructuralism, these concepts are thought of carrying no more definite, full and total meaning and reference. Winterson’s The Passion is one of the best examples of historiographic metafictions that underline the polyphonic structure lying beneath systems of meaning. In The Passion Winterson’s handling of the subject is surrounded by her use of multiple narratives, parody and fantasy. Thus, this paper aims at presenting how these ingredients of historiographic metafiction display themselves in Winterson’s The Passion.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.4n.4p.268
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