A Cognitive Metaphorical Analysis of Selected Verses in the Glorius Qu’ran
Metaphor has been generally contemplated and broke down inside the schema of verbal and written discourse, scholarly works and artistic studies. It has been identified with metaphorical language and has been viewed as quite recently a sort of aesthetic frivolity (Murray & Moon, 2006). In addition, conventional instructing of metaphors presents language as an abnormal or different method for using it (Goatly, 1997). Likewise, as Goatly has put it, scholars have needed figures of speech strictly limited to writing, talk and craftsmanship. Moreover, metaphor is viewed as something that fits in with abstract structures which is more concerned with novel or intriguing uses of words. Lakoff & Johnson (1980) presented an alternate idea and perspective of metaphor which is known as reasonable metaphorical dissection. The theory underlying this new approach is that the reasonable metaphors enter our understanding of our general surroundings and they shape our demeanor. Appropriately, as pointed out by Lakoff & Johnson (1980), metaphor is available in ordinary discourse, in every language, and is to a certain degree, has gotten to be culturally specific. Besides both contend that metaphors affect our way of viewing the meanings and are discovered widely in a significant number of our languages, contemplations and activities.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.4n.2p.193
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