The Significance of the Body in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God: A Cixousian Reading
The purpose of the current paper is studying Zora Neale Hurston's masterpiece in the light of the post-structuralist feminist theories of the French philosopher, writer and critic Hélène Cixous. The article aims at scrutinizing the concept of body which is an integral part of écriture féminine. In order to accomplish this investigation, the researcher attempts to present manifestations of corporeality through the course of the selected novel which is Their Eyes Were Watching God. The fact that Hurston's involvement in adapting the notion of corporeality is evident to the point that some scholars approve of her obsession with the mentioned issue may serve as a proof of the fruitfulness of this research. The present article encompasses examining Hurston's attitude toward the selected concept, working with the selected text and taking the female characters and their deeds under consideration in order to grasp the desirable result.
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