Unseen Policies in News Translation: A Study Investigating News Translators’ Practices and Strategies

Hamza Eltheb


This paper explores the institutional practices of translating news articles by focusing on ideological representations and editorial guidelines. It also investigates the steps adopted by news translators when transferring news articles with a slight focus on Arabic. The study uses surveys in a form of interviews and questionnaire, which were delivered to a range of journalists and news editors involved in translating news. Their input is qualitatively analysed to find out how translation operates and how ideologies impinge upon translation products in media institutions. The paper enhances our understanding of the role of translators who work within ideologically-driven institutions. In particular, it reveals that the editorial policies of news institutions are not always stated and can at times be hidden. Moreover, a news item can be intentionally altered and news sources can be blurred, so that readers are kept unaware that the target text is a translation from various sources. 


Arabic, Ideology, Institution, News Guidelines, Representation, Techniques

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.10n.2p.23


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