A Pen-Eye-Voice Approach Towards The Process of Note-Taking and Consecutive Interpreting: An Experimental Design

Sijia Chen


Interpreting is a cognitively demanding language-processing task. Investigating the process of interpreting helps to explicate what happens inside the black box of interpreters’ minds, with implications on how the human mind processes language under taxing conditions. Since the interpreting process involves multitasking, it is challenging to develop an experimental design to investigate this process. In the case of consecutive interpreting (CI), it is particularly challenging because different methods need to be applied to tap into the two phases of CI, which involve different combinations of sub-tasks. This paper advocates the use of a triangulation of pen recording, eye tracking and voice recording to investigate the process of note-taking and CI.


Experimental Design, Consecutive Interpreting, Note-taking, Pen Recording, Eye Tracking, Voice Recording

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.6n.2p.1


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