English Words and Collocations Found on Logistics Magazines: A Corpus-based Study

Prathomwat Suraprajit


Delivered up-to-date news and shown authentic use, the language appeared on the digital platform is an interesting alternative in learning the English language. The present study investigates the English language written on the online logistics magazines published in Thailand by using the corpus tool called Ant-Conc to analyze the frequency of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and collocations. The findings revealed that 1) the most frequent use of nouns was cargo, 2) the word said reported to be the most use of the verb, 3) the word cargo appeared to be the most frequent use among adjectives, 4) among the type of grammatical collocation, noun+preposition was shown as the most frequently used type, whereas the most three used of grammatical collocation was cargo in, important to, and said with and 5) among the type of lexical collocation, noun+verb was reported as the most frequently used type, whereas the top three used of lexical collocation was said Mr., cargo is, and new facility. Furthermore, the present study might have implications for the ESP study and recommend the use of authentic language in the logistics business.


Corpus-based Study, Logistics Magazines, Cargo, Grammatical Collocations, Lexical Collocations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.13n.1.p.41


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