The Manifestations of Woolf’s Life Experiences in Mrs. Dalloway

Mohammed Albalawi


Mrs. Dalloway is one of Virginia Woolf’s greatest achievements. The novel continues to enthuse scholars across the globe, and there are myriad studies through which readers can gain a finer understanding of it. This paper attempts to show how Woolf implants in Mrs. Dalloway a plentiful range of experiences from her life. It argues that in order to have an ample understanding of a character’s state of mind or behavior, emphasis should be placed not only on the text but also on the role of the writer’s personal experiences in its formation. This paper discusses, more specifically, how Woolf’s own experiences are linked to Septimus’s, and showcases that Woolf’s life is a major influence on the story of Septimus.


Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf’s life, Septimus, Personal Experiences

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