Effects of New Media on English Language Learning Motivation at Tertiary Level
Different new media tools like Facebook, blogs, wikis, Google docs and YouTube are perceived to have effects on English language (L2) learner motivation at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. However, the effects of new media usage on L2 learner motivation are not defined yet in the context. This study investigates the effects of new media usage on L2 learner motivation at the tertiary level. A qualitative research design is used throughout the study to collect and analyze the data. Data were collected through six Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 30 tertiary level English language learners from eight universities located in Bangladesh. The findings of the study show that new media usage in English language learning motivates learners immensely, transforms dependent and passive learners into active and autonomous learners, makes them participatory, engaging and enthusiastic in learning, and works as a supplement to the classroom teachings. However, culturally inappropriate and wrong interpretation of some language contents in new media tools demotivates learners. Therefore, the usage of new media tools in enhancing learner motivation needs to be keenly monitored to reduce adverse effects. The study recommends future research to be conducted to assess the negative washback of new media usage affecting L2 learners.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.11n.5p.17
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