Validity and Reliability Study of Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for Faculty Members

Serdar Safali, Bürhan Akpunar


In this study, it is aimed to develop a measurement tool with measurement validity and reliability, which can be utilized to identify the academic self-efficacy attitudes of faculty members working in the education faculty. The literature was screened during the development of the scale, the opinions of the teaching staff about the subject were taken one-on-one, and a pool of 40 items was created by making use of the previous studies related to this field. The validity and reliability of the measurement tool were analyzed on the 410-person data set obtained from the application. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted with the remaining 200 data from the data set, without looking at specific criterion on the structure validity of the scale. As a result of the Exploratory Factor Analysis applied to the data obtained after the first application, 7 items were removed from the 40-item scale. It was determined that the remaining 33 items consisted of 5 sub-dimensions. The scale sub-dimensions are named as follow respectively; “Comparing yourself with other faculty members”, “Being able to combat the difficulties faced”, “Self-development”, “Effective teaching process of a course” and “Extracurricular activity”. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .877 for the whole scale, and it was as follows for the sub-dimensions in respective order; .920.927.895.833 and .828. These findings have revealed that the scale is a tool that can measure academic staffs’ Self-Efficacy levels with five factors. The scale is expected to be used by researchers in the field.


Self-Efficacy, Faculty Members, Scale Development, Self-Development

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