Investigation of Attitudes and Success of Secondary School 7th Grade Students Towards Turkish Language Lesson in Terms of Various Variables

Mehmet Fatih Özcan


The study was conducted to investigate the success and attitudes of the secondary school 7th grade students towards Turkish language lesson in terms of various variables. The study is a descriptive study and based on data collection. In this study, a 27-item attitude scale and a personal information protocol consisting of 5 questions were used. In addition, a pre-prepared multiple-choice Turkish course achievement test consisting of a total of 30 questions was applied. Students’ attitudes towards Turkish language lesson were measured and compared with success and other variables. The attitude scale, personal information protocol and achievement test were applied to 48 students in total. The population of the study consists of the students studying in Sarıkamış county of Kars province. The sample of the study consists of 7th grade students studying in Halit Paşa Secondary School and Şehit Taner Baran Regional Boarding Secondary School in Sarıkamış county of Kars province. The obtained data was interpreted by conducting t test, variance analysis with SPSS 20 package program. As a result of the findings, it was determined that there was a difference in the attitudes of the students in terms of gender and the number of the siblings. It was found out that the attitudes of the students towards Turkish language lesson did not differentiate in terms of mother educational background and interest in the lesson.


Turkish Language Lesson, Attitude Towards Turkish Language Lesson, Success, Parents, Secondary School Students

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