Drama as Information Medium on Health and Illness: Personal Characteristics as Patients’ Attitude Determinants

Nasir Taofiq Olaide, Akinboye Adeyinka Juliet, Adeoye Aderemi Michael, Aikomo Olayinka Olatunji


The study examined the contributions of drama as a means of disseminating information such as age, gender and educational level that are germane to patients’ attitude to health and illness. The subjects were ninety five patients of General Hospital, Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State. They responded to the Patient-Medical Personnel Drama Scale (PMPDS) and the Attitude Towards Health and Illness Scale (ATHIS). Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used for data analysis and the results revealed that drama, as a means of communication made the most significant contribution while educational level came up in step two. “Age” and “gender” did not make any noticeable contribution. The findings indicate that more attention should be paid to improve Patient-Medical Personnel Drama.


Health, Psychodrama, Information Dissemination, Hospital, Atients, Illness, Applied Theatre

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.6p.108


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