Rhetorical structure in Problem Statement Section of Foreign Languages Undergraduate students’ Monographs

Wilmar Salazar Obeso


The Problem Statement (PS) section communicates the issue that targets a study. Having a clear understanding of its rhetorical moves facilitates its communication. However, undergraduate students are not generally worried about this important writing aspect. The purpose of this descriptive study intended to explore the rhetorical moves in Colombian FL undergraduate monographs. 20 samples of PS written in English by Foreign Languages (FL) Undergraduate students were analyzed following Swales’ (1990) Create-a-research-space (CARS) model. Findings revealed that the lack of knowledge about rhetorical aspects on the part of the students affects negatively the writing of the PS. The analysis also showed that some students did not communicate the problem due to an unbalanced frequency of moves and steps. Students’ awareness of the genre, its formal instruction, and frequent training might contribute to improve their academic writing.


Genre Analysis, Rhetorical Structure, Problem Statement, Swales CARS Model, Monographs, FL Undergraduate Students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.6p.89


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