The Effect of Students’ Personality and Learning Styles on Their Motivation for Using Blended Learning

Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz, Asegul Hulus


Blended learning is a revolutionary concept that embraces traditional classroom teaching and online/offline learning. Many studies have been conducted on blended learning; however, research on its effect on motivation with reference to personality and learning styles is scarce. Therefore, the present study set out to fill this niche. To this end, 33 university students from a private university in Northern Cyprus were randomly selected to participate in this study by filling out a questionnaire on the use of blended learning. The questionnaire was analyzed and frequencies of participants’ responses were calculated. To supplement the survey with qualitative data, an interview was conducted with ten of the participants on a voluntary basis. The results of both sets of data suggest that students’ personality and learning styles play a significant role in increasing their motivation for using blended-learning. Thus, based on these findings, it is suggested that in order to increase learners’ motivation, teaching materials and methods should be tailored according to their needs. The findings of the study are interpreted to have direct implications for syllabus designers and teachers.


Blended-learning, Motivation, Learning Styles, Learner Personality, Students’ Needs

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