The Phenomenon of Bilingualism in Rahovec’s Spoken Language

Diellza Hoxha


The paper focuses on addressing the bilingual phenomenon among bilingual speakers that learn or even speak the language at the same time L1 and L2. The phenomenon of bilingualism emerges as a result of the languages in contact. Within this phenomenon, we will consider the use of Albanian language and the local speech of the citizens of Rahovec, Rahovecjançe. Quantitative study, in this paper consists of sociolinguistic measurement, in individual interviews recorded with voice recorder in “smart phone”. The graphical presentation we claim to bring concrete results about the degree of bilingualism in the different social strata, as a result of this and also toward s the emergence of the concrete situation of the use of language codes in each language domain. Social stratification shows the current state of the use of both language codes. The bilingual phenomenon with the local speech is considered to be disappearing, and the level of bilingual speakers should be declining.


Bilingualism, Social Strata, Language Codes, Linguistic Domains, Rahovecjançe

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