The Grammatical Nature of Time Referral

Muhamet Reçica


As long as the time in its entirety is absolute, however, in the discourse it is “made up” or concretized from the phenomenon or concrete event taken into consideration, thus we cannot ‘abstract’ the grammatical dimension of the statement under any circumtance, as we cannot abstract the objective time and observer, because only in co-fulfillment they “fulfill” each other. Identification of the time mark from which the event is expressed with the verbal form in time, the grammatical nature of these moments, as the moment of speech (of speaking time), which is of instant nature, timely extension and most wide, then the time of the action and the time of expression of the statement are with the same orientation function for the time reference will be the subject of consideration during the elaboration of this paper. Obviously, other observations that are of interest to our consideration, with the character of uncontested grammatical facts in context, such as realistic reports of timely events, relative character of grammar setting etc., will be at the center of attention to as much as the nature of this paper.


Referral, Referral Function, Moment of Discourse, Moment of Action, Time of Pronunciation of Statement, Present Objective, Grammatical Time

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