Exploring Linguistic Representation of Women on Facebook: A Study in Pakistani Context

Shamim Humayun, Shabana Sartaj, Waqar Ali Shah


Facebook is an online platform where people form a self-presentation and construct an identity through a personal ID or profile. Use of this social website fully depicts the norms and perceptions of patriarchal society. This study aims to explore the waymen of society speaks to the women as well as the speaking of women with other women that reflects an idea of women in Pakistani society on Facebook through quantitative study. The Analysis revealed that the women, in Pakistani society in particular and elsewhere in general is linguistically expressed as a being that is not equal to men in intellect, bodily strength, wisdom, knowledge, forbearance and bravery thus dubbed as timid, weak, sexy, fool, cute hot and so on by society as a whole.


Facebook, Language Representation, Identity Construction, Gender, Marginalization, Social Networking, Patriarchy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.2p.152


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