Pro-ELT; A Teacher Training Blended Approach

Reza Eshtehardi


Pro-ELT is a blended teacher training course. The aim of Pro-ELT is to strengthen English teaching and learning through a blended training approach that includes; quality face to face delivery, supported distance learning and integrated proficiency and methodology training. It delivers quality language teaching and teacher development courses to Malaysian primary and secondary school teachers working in Malaysian government schools in order to develop their English language proficiency and teaching knowledge and skills. Language skills and system are undoubtedly the basic components of each teacher training program, but there is a fact that for a huge number of non-native language teachers who teach at school levels, improving their own language proficiency and command of English is their own personal objective and top priority in their professional development. This presentation shows the Pro-ELT model of teacher training program and shows how teachers will be able to achieve their professional development goals. 

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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