Development of Police Terminology in Albanian Language in Kosovo and Albania
In this paper chronologically are presented several periods of development of police terminology in Kosovo and Albania. Below are some of the topics which will be elaborated:
- Development of police terminology in Albania;
- Development of police terminology in Kosovo;
- Word formation of police terminology in Albanian language;
- Influence of foreign languages (Serbo-Croatian, Italian and English).
Police terminology in Albania differs based on time period and historic developments, two World Wars from 1913 until 1945, with main influence from Italian language police terminology. Influence by Russian language is present during the communist time in Albania from 1945 until 1990 when the Italian influence returns again and it also starts influence by English language with the establishment of democratic pluralist system. In Kosovo, as a result of historic developments, development of police terminology was mainly influenced by Yugoslav system of government, Serbo-Croatian language, which was the dominant language in use in comparison to other languages in ex-Yugoslavia: Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian and Hungarian. Whereas, after declaration of Kosovo independence in 2008 the dominant influential language in police terminology in Albanian language has been English after 10 years (1999-2008) during which Kosovo Police was led by United Nations Mission (UNMIK) and the police force in Kosovo was called UNMIK Police.
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