The Usage of Language Learning Strategies in Malaysian Private Secondary Schools

Bathuma Subramaniam, Kalaimakal Palanisamy


This study explores the usage of language learning strategies in private secondary Schools in Malaysia. Hypothesis was made that most of the students do not practice the language learning strategies completely and accurately. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between language learning strategies and practices of the students of private school. Survey Instruments included the dependent and independent variables of gender, age, form and level. About 60 students (n= 60) responded to a survey instrument. Likert scale was used as data collection strategies. Quantitative data analyzed quantitatively through SPSS. The convenience sampling technique was used to collect data because of the time and cost constraints. Participants were the students of 5 different forms. The instrument used in the study contained 50 items with closed ended responses which was previously pilot tested with many other reviewers to establish content validity. Survey information was obtained through the use of questionnaire and all responses remained confidential. Generally, the survey results indicate that students did not use language learning strategies regularly and completely. Most of the students have to face difficulties due to lack of practices of language learning strategies. 

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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