Learning Strategies Model to Enhance Thai Undergraduate Students’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs in EIL Textual Reading Performance
This classroom based research of a learning strategies model was designed to investigate its application in a mixed-ability classroom. The study built on Oxford’s language learning strategies model (1990, 2001) and fulfilled it with rhetorical strategies to accommodate challenges encountered in the paradigm of English as an international language (EIL). The main purpose aimed to explore Thai students’ self-efficacy beliefs (SE) in reading different texts regarding both Western and Asian styles after receiving a strategies-based training. In this research, thirty-three first-year undergraduate students majoring in English Education were purposively selected as participants for the training. The data from pre and post questionnaires focusing on students’ self-efficacy beliefs was analyzed using descriptive statistic and thematic analysis. The results revealed that students believed to have higher efficacy in EIL textual reading after learning strategies-based training. The presentation will also include discussion and suggestion in implementing rhetorical-language learning strategies in the classroom.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.6p.19
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