Retrotext- E 1.0: The Beginnings of Computer-based ELT Textbook Evaluation

Jayakaran Mukundan


There are two main reasons why textbooks are evaluated; the first which is associated to the task of textbook selection (predictive evaluation) and the second to the need to evaluate it while in use (retrospective evaluation) so that teachers can implement adaptation procedures later. Predictive evaluation is almost nonexistent in most developing countries as textbooks are usually provided free or through a textbook loan scheme. There is however hope for getting teachers involved in while-use/post use or retrospective evaluation of textbooks as they no only help teachers with adaptation but help teachers in their overall professional development. Since textbooks are an essential part of the teacher’s professional  life any form of out-of-class work that involves the teacher’s own knowledge building can become an integral part of the teacher’s professional development.

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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