Fostering EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension: Animation Film Technique
The current study investigated the effect of implementing animation films on developing reading comprehension texts among EFL learners of a language institute in Kerman. For this purpose, two groups of pre-intermediate EFL learners were chosen (30 participants in each group). After three months of instruction, twice a week, 2story books named the "Good Dinosaur" and "Little Prince" including totally 20 chapters in both groups and animation films including 60 minutes divided into 6 to 7 minutes in each session in experimental group were presented. To estimate the primary knowledge of the subjects, a pretest was taken from both groups and after the experiment came to an end, a posttest was followed. The result revealed that a meaningful relationship could be identified between the procedures incorporated for both groups. However, the experimental group achieved higher degree of achievement using animation films presented to them by scoring higher in the total mean and also, interview participants were satisfied with the use of animation films in the reading class.
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