The Use of English in Teaching Mathematics and Science: The PPSMI Policy vis-à-vis The DLP
In spite of English being regarded as the second most important language in Malaysia, it is still treated as a foreign language inevitably. The recently introduced Dual Language Progamme (henceforth DLP) which uses English as the medium of instruction in teaching Mathematics and Science is alleged to be a reflection of the less successful English for teaching Mathematics and Science policy (hereafter PPSMI). Therefore, this paper aims to examine the perceptions of pre-service teachers towards the use of English in teaching Mathematics and Science and establish its connections with the DLP. Data were collected through questionnaire which involved 50 respondents. Findings showed that the respondents held unfavourable perceptions of the PPSMI policy which in turn justified the emergence of the DLP. Implications of the study and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
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