Communicative Language Teaching: A Practical Scenario in the Context of Bangladesh
Communicative Language Teaching, popularly known as CLT, has become a newly adopted methodology in the teaching and learning context of Bangladesh. This methodology, since the initiation, has encountered and is still encountering a number of hurdles that need to be dealt with best care and feasible strategy. Of all methods, most of the educational institutes be- it secondary or higher secondary are inclined to accept and apply the CLT in classroom, though there has been a lack of resources, materials and language experts. Ignoring the reality, the policy makers would like to follow the other countries, though they are self-sufficient and self-dependent on their strategic plans and strong funds who have already executed CLT with success. This paper attempts to present the reality behind the implementation of CLT in the language teaching and learning environment and outlines the malpractices widely obvious in educational institutes of Bangladesh. This paper also focuses on the strategic points, data collection and analysis and probable remedy regarding the real picture of CLT in Bangladesh.
Keywords: CLT, methodology, context, hurdles, Bangladesh
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