The Perception of EFL High School Students in Using of Computer Technology in the Process of Learning: Merits and Demerits
Recent developments in the field of computer technology have led to a renewed interest in the process of learning. In order to investigate EFL learners’ perception of technology use, a mixed method design was used to explore students’ attitude. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires and qualitative data using open-ended questions.The questionnaire was distributed in two different high schools (one male and one female) in Zanjan, 2015. Participants were 340 high school students who filled in CALLAI questionnaire. The data of the questionnaire was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages were used to analyze questionnaire items. Data gathered from open-ended questions was analysed using qualitative data analysis software NVivo 8.0. It was found that students had positive attitude toward facilitation of English learning in the classroom through computer technology. Our objective was to explore students’ perceptions of technology usage in high schools .The implication of this study was that students, with prior experience in technology, might benefit more from technology use in education. Furthermore, it could be guidance for teachers to better understand world of technology and recognize possible barriers to integration of technology.
Keywords: Advantages of Computer Technology, Computer and EFL Teaching, EFL High School Students, English learning, Perceptions of EFL learners
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