An Evaluation of the Second Intermediate Saudi English Language Textbook from the Teachers' Point of View
The study evaluates the quality of the second intermediate grade English language textbook for Saudi girls' schools "from the teachers point of view" which was introduced at the intermediate stage by the Ministry of Education in 2004. This research project evaluates a new textbook that is considered to be the foundation stone in the English language program in Saudi Arabia. A survey questionnaire was used in this study to elicit the perspectives of 50 English language teachers and the population is about 220 teachers in Riyadh Educational Zone about the textbook in question. The questionnaire consisted of 23 items grouped under 5 main categories that are listed as: CB objectives, content, language style, skills, technical aspect and appearance of the CB. The data was subjected to analysis through descriptive statistics. The analysis of the results used several statistical methods which are as follows: Cronbach's alpha, means, percentage, chi square and standard deviations. The findings were generally in favor of the textbook except for the language style and some other sub-items. Out of 23 items in the questionnaire, only 4 items had arithmetic means less than 3.50 (the average). The category that had the highest mean was the one on technical aspects, while the category that had the lowest mean was the one on language style.
Keywords: Evaluation, textbook, content, curriculum and syllabus, goals and objectives, materials evaluation
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